
Conversion Copywriting ensures your sales copy is less "icky",
more "sticky".

She Makes me look like a marketing genius.

Danika plays an integral part in my organization, providing a deep bench of expertise. She has become a vital extension to my business. Her writing is persuasive and powerful and always on point with my clients’ needs. She delivers results that drive sales and make me look like a marketing genius.

Randee Black, Relic Marketing

Conversion Copywriting is all about understanding your ideal client and echoing their words back to your next prospect.

After almost 10 years of working with entrepreneurs in the banking industry, I struck out on my own providing website and user experience services to non-profits, SMEs, and companies who found their own services dull (I'm looking at you, accountants!).

It wasn’t until I was asked to solve a problem for a local language school program that copy based on user experience (conversion copy) became a major focus for me.

The solution to an enrollment problem wasn’t to protest the closure or to pump more money into the program…it was to find the audience it was serving and ask them about their experiences.

By making the school website more accessible to non-English speakers (no brainer, right?), producing an industrial film about the school, and getting the disgruntled community and frustrated school administrators on board with a repeatable marketing strategy, the program was not only saved…enrollment doubled.

That is the power of conversion copywriting…and we can use it for your business too!

I've studied UX and Webdesign (enough to be dangerous with HTML and CSS) as well as spent time under studying under Copyhackers' Jo Weibe and Betsy Muse, honing my conversion copywriting skills with trainings, bootcamps, consultations, and on-going workshops.

These days you can find me swimming in the North Sea, seeking out new food carts, and petting other peoples' dogs while keeping a weather eye on how people experience the world around them...including your business. 

Hi there!

I'm Danika and I live on coffee, customer data, and dips in the North Sea.

Schedule a 30 Minute Consultation Today

I want to convert data into sales!

Stand out in the crowd

Danika has worked with my whole family! She is consultative, encouraged my input, and worked with me to make my properties and websites shine.

Kristi S, Owner of Vacation Concan

This sounds Great,
Let's work together!

Schedule a 30 Minute Consultation

Talk it OUt

Work it out

Flesh It Out

Schedule a time for us to talk about your goals and ambitions. If we agree that we would be a good fit, I will send you a proposal for a good, better, best solution. If accepted, a contract and intake form will follow.

We start with research, as in-depth as you need to go, to find that voice of customer that consistently tells us what problems we are solving and what dream state they want to achieve.

Let the writing commence! Armed with voice of customer, brand voice, optimized offers, SEO Keywords, and a keen awareness UX, you get copy that converts prospects into sales.

Working With Me

Let's Talk!